Authentic Christian Living: The Book of James

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Authentic Christian Living: The Book of James
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"Authentic Christian Living: The Book of James" Overview

Those early walks Jesus always had taken as I grew up at home had always intrigued us boys, we had even used to try and find Him. Once we did. I'll never forget that morning. When we came up on Jesus, He was looking straight up into the sky, talking in such a wonderful way to someone we never saw. He called Him Father, must be He really missed Joseph or something we thought. After that we never tried to find Him out there again.

But back to that last day at home. We hounded Him to go to the Feast at Jerusalem and show Himself if He were some prophet or something. And you know what? He did. He started to walk through the Land up and down. Soon crowds in the hundreds, then into the thousands and finally into the tens of thousands following Him, hanging on every word. We were told that He had fed them all from a tiny lunch basket, that He healed blind and crippled folks, and so much more - but didn't believe it. Stories have a way of growing. Stories about Jesus my big brother were LEGENDARY.

Time flew by, three years or more. I was married, we had our first child. It was in there some time that Jesus had come to speak in His hometown of Nazareth (Luke 4). None of us ever moved far away from Mary our mother. We stayed there working in Nazareth. When He first came back everyone loved Him again, just like in the carpenter's shop. It was kind of neat to have all the town excited that my strange brother was coming. Well all that changed. You see after He read from the Scriptures He began to speak to us as if He had written those words. We all became quite uncomfortable. There were murmurs and finally some of the less inhibited of the town jumped up. They actually grabbed Jesus and in a frenzy of rage half dragged and half carried Him up to the edge. Our home town has a spring-fed well and an edge of a cliff that falls so far that we all were warned to never get near it. They were going to kill Him. I cried out "Stop!" But their fury was unstoppable. Then it happened before my very eyes . . . He serenely looked at me with eyes of sadness and then just kind of evaporated. The mob was shocked, I ran to tell mom and what do you think I saw, it was Him, walking far down the road headed to Capernaum.

I couldn't shake the sermon He said or that strange power He wielded so gently. I started following at a distance. Never like one of those hot-headed fishermen like James and John and Peter and Andrew. No, I was not a disciple yet. It was a few weeks later just before Passover. Mom said she had to go to Jerusalem. I couldn't let her walk alone. So, I left my wife and little ones with the family and set out with mom. My younger brother Jude came to. Mom said we had to hurry something awful was happening. She said Jesus told her He was going to die.

Well, the rest is unforgettably etched upon my soul. Each step along the hard packed paths of the hills and then up to Jerusalem were filled with sights and sounds of my brother. It all started to fit. Dad's stories to us about angels and wisemen following a bright star, shepherds who saw lights and listened to angels and mom's first child. Joseph always spoke to Jesus differently, never as a son. Almost like a best friend. Then the Temple story when Jesus was 12, the Baptism when cousin John shouted that Jesus was the Lamb of God and now mom saying He was going to die, at Passover.

We arrived in time to see it all. He was in Jerusalem still preaching, the religious leaders hatefully attacked Him. They were so skillfully put down by His words. But then it happened. I saw Him bound by the Romans, He had been horribly beaten, and now staggered through the streets. They used the dreaded death machine on Him. He was crucified, bleeding and gasping for air. I watched it all. It runs together now in my soul.

But, let me finish. I am no longer His little brother. You see, at the Cross I too believed. After He rose the Scriptures record, He appeared to Peter, the Apostles and to James (I Cor 15). That'

"Authentic Christian Living: The Book of James" Specifications

Those early walks Jesus always had taken as I grew up at home had always intrigued us boys, we had even used to try and find Him. Once we did. I'll never forget that morning. When we came up on Jesus, He was looking straight up into the sky, talking in such a wonderful way to someone we never saw. He called Him Father, must be He really missed Joseph or something we thought. After that we never tried to find Him out there again.

But back to that last day at home. We hounded Him to go to the Feast at Jerusalem and show Himself if He were some prophet or something. And you know what? He did. He started to walk through the Land up and down. Soon crowds in the hundreds, then into the thousands and finally into the tens of thousands following Him, hanging on every word. We were told that He had fed them all from a tiny lunch basket, that He healed blind and crippled folks, and so much more - but didn't believe it. Stories have a way of growing. Stories about Jesus my big brother were LEGENDARY.

Time flew by, three years or more. I was married, we had our first child. It was in there some time that Jesus had come to speak in His hometown of Nazareth (Luke 4). None of us ever moved far away from Mary our mother. We stayed there working in Nazareth. When He first came back everyone loved Him again, just like in the carpenter's shop. It was kind of neat to have all the town excited that my strange brother was coming. Well all that changed. You see after He read from the Scriptures He began to speak to us as if He had written those words. We all became quite uncomfortable. There were murmurs and finally some of the less inhibited of the town jumped up. They actually grabbed Jesus and in a frenzy of rage half dragged and half carried Him up to the edge. Our home town has a spring-fed well and an edge of a cliff that falls so far that we all were warned to never get near it. They were going to kill Him. I cried out "Stop!" But their fury was unstoppable. Then it happened before my very eyes . . . He serenely looked at me with eyes of sadness and then just kind of evaporated. The mob was shocked, I ran to tell mom and what do you think I saw, it was Him, walking far down the road headed to Capernaum.

I couldn't shake the sermon He said or that strange power He wielded so gently. I started following at a distance. Never like one of those hot-headed fishermen like James and John and Peter and Andrew. No, I was not a disciple yet. It was a few weeks later just before Passover. Mom said she had to go to Jerusalem. I couldn't let her walk alone. So, I left my wife and little ones with the family and set out with mom. My younger brother Jude came to. Mom said we had to hurry something awful was happening. She said Jesus told her He was going to die.

Well, the rest is unforgettably etched upon my soul. Each step along the hard packed paths of the hills and then up to Jerusalem were filled with sights and sounds of my brother. It all started to fit. Dad's stories to us about angels and wisemen following a bright star, shepherds who saw lights and listened to angels and mom's first child. Joseph always spoke to Jesus differently, never as a son. Almost like a best friend. Then the Temple story when Jesus was 12, the Baptism when cousin John shouted that Jesus was the Lamb of God and now mom saying He was going to die, at Passover.

We arrived in time to see it all. He was in Jerusalem still preaching, the religious leaders hatefully attacked Him. They were so skillfully put down by His words. But then it happened. I saw Him bound by the Romans, He had been horribly beaten, and now staggered through the streets. They used the dreaded death machine on Him. He was crucified, bleeding and gasping for air. I watched it all. It runs together now in my soul.

But, let me finish. I am no longer His little brother. You see, at the Cross I too believed. After He rose the Scriptures record, He appeared to Peter, the Apostles and to James (I Cor 15). That'

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