Super Catherine and the Three Ds (Learn a Bible Verse Adventure Books)

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Super Catherine and the Three Ds (Learn a Bible Verse Adventure Books)
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"Super Catherine and the Three Ds (Learn a Bible Verse Adventure Books) Reviews"

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"Super Catherine and the Three Ds (Learn a Bible Verse Adventure Books)" Overview

This wonderfully illustrated book finds that Catherine is having trouble at school, and she’s getting a little discouraged. When she asks God for help she finds herself changing into Super Catherine, a superhero with a sword that fights three evil aliens, Discouragement, Despair and Doubt, with a Bible verse! Read along and discover how it all turns out, and how God helps Super Catherine by giving her the perfect Bible verse to deal with her troubles, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Find out how Super Catherine used God's Word to overcome the aliens!

-Use the unique "Think About It" section to open a dialogue with your children.

-Learn Philippians 4:13 yourself, using a simple, yet effective "remove another word" technique.

-14 colorful illustrations and fun storyline entertains and teaches young readers ages 4-8

"Super Catherine and the Three Ds (Learn a Bible Verse Adventure Books)" Specifications

This wonderfully illustrated book finds that Catherine is having trouble at school, and she’s getting a little discouraged. When she asks God for help she finds herself changing into Super Catherine, a superhero with a sword that fights three evil aliens, Discouragement, Despair and Doubt, with a Bible verse! Read along and discover how it all turns out, and how God helps Super Catherine by giving her the perfect Bible verse to deal with her troubles, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Find out how Super Catherine used God's Word to overcome the aliens!

-Use the unique "Think About It" section to open a dialogue with your children.

-Learn Philippians 4:13 yourself, using a simple, yet effective "remove another word" technique.

-14 colorful illustrations and fun storyline entertains and teaches young readers ages 4-8

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